How to Wear Cufflinks (Ultimate Guide to Cufflinks)

how to wear cufflinks

I’m going to talk about cufflinks here. I’m going to provide you the complete cufflinks guide.

Before you go out and spend $5 or $500 on a set of cufflinks, here are some tips that every man should know.

I want you to know how to put them on, when to put them on, and I’m going to go over the different types of materials and all the intricacies.

I want you to be able to go out there and make an informed purchase that you can wear with style.

Let’s get started.

What Are Cufflinks?

Cufflinks take the place of the button on a dress shirt. It’s almost certainly a cufflink if it’s not fastened to the dress shirt. When the cuff is held together by it.

It makes no difference what it’s composed of. It could be a precious stone, metal, bone, silk, or something else. The key is that it is distinct from the shirt.

Why Should You Wear Cufflinks?

Cufflinks are a type of jewelry that can be used to enhance your style without becoming overbearing.

Cufflinks are likely to go unnoticed by the majority of people you pass. It’s not until you’re close to someone and talking to them that they notice the cufflink.

They’re also not as popular as they used to be.

I believe it’s fantastic to be able to add to your wardrobe and inject some style, particularly in formal business clothes. It was from there that they emerged.

When it comes to black tie, cuff links are still worn on a regular basis in a true black tie shirt. It won’t have any buttons; instead, it’ll feature studs on the front and cufflinks on the cuff.

I believe you can wear them whenever you want. They used to be reserved for formal occasions, but I’ve seen them make an appearance in casual settings.

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A man doesn’t even need to wear a jacket if he wears them. He can just put it on a shirt.

Different Types of Cufflinks

There are seven types I’ll talk about very quick.

Whale Back Closure Cufflinks

It indicates that the back of the cufflink is bigger, making it simpler to grasp. Whale back cufflinks are a wonderful alternative if you have problems gripping little objects and have large hands. It also has a straight post at the end with a flat ‘whale tail’ attached.

Bullet Back & Toggle Closure Cufflinks

Because of their simplicity and security, these are the most popular cufflinks. They differ from whale back simply because their backs are different, and they are much smaller. They’re the cheapest to make and the simplest to lose. However, you’ll find them in a wide range of styles.

Stud / Button Cufflinks

They’re little and light in weight. There are no moving parts in this item. One end will be smaller than the other. The backside of the fixed backing is constructed of the same material as the front side. Because of the immovable pieces, they need the most effort to fasten. The stud’s problem is that the back end is too small and can be easily misplaced.

Chain Link Cufflinks

One of the most classic and oldest forms of cufflinks. The front and back of the cufflink are connected by a chain, which allows for looser cuffs. They are worn and presented on both sides of the cuffs.

Locking Dual-Action Cufflinks

They have a hinge mechanism that is comparable to how a metal watchband closes. It is one of the most user-friendly and secure layouts accessible. When it locks, it actually reduces the amount of material used. It can actually tighten the cuff a little when it locks.

Ball Return Cufflinks

The decorative head is mounted on a curving post with a small, heavy ball on the other side. They have a somewhat looser fit than locking cufflinks, but are a little tighter than chain.

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Knot Cufflinks

They have two heads joined by a short, flexible length, similar to chain link, but they are made of soft cord (typically silk) instead of metal, and the heads are decorative knots. They’re a more laid-back look. They’re also the cheapest, but they’re not the most durable.

How to Wear Cufflinks on Shirts, Men


Now that I’ve covered types, let’s move on to materials. A wide range of materials are available. What I’m about to say is only the top of the iceberg.

Carbon fiber, crystal, enamel, glass, gun metal, mother of pearl, precious stones, rose gold, silk stainless steel, and sterling silver are just a few of the materials available. I could have gone on for much longer.

When it comes to knots produced from silk material and not costing much at all, they might go from being a very simple practical piece. Some aren’t even made of silk; instead, they’re made of cotton. These items were literally made for pennies.

However, there are cufflinks that are intricately created jewelry with stones. We’re talking about diamonds, rubies, opals, and other precious stones.

One of the things I like about cufflinks is how versatile they are. It’s one of the few pieces of jewelry that a man can wear. It doesn’t go on his hand, it doesn’t go on his chest, he can wear it in a formal situation and other guys will praise him on it, and he can add some personality to his look.

How to Wear Cufflinks

Cufflinks can be worn with single cuffs, which look like ordinary buttoning dress shirt cuffs but have holes on both sides of the opening, or doubled-back “French” cuffs, which look like regular buttoning dress shirt cuffs but have holes on both sides of the opening.

French cuffs do have two holes on either side of the opening, which must line up one atop the other when you fold the cuff back.

Single Cuffs

You should be wearing your shirt and it should be buttoned up. On the cuff of your shirt, you’ll find two button holes. One on the outside of the wrist and one between the two buttons on the inside.

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Begin by turning the clasp of your cuff link in the shape of a T.

Push the little end of the cuff link through the outside buttonhole with your other hand.

Continue to press the cuff link through the inside cuff between the two buttons as you bring the other side of the cuff closer.

Then, to hold the cuffs in place, rotate the clasp.

Make sure the button underneath the forearm is also closed.

Repeat on the opposite side.

If you don’t have cuff links, you’ll notice two buttons on the cuff of your shirt that change the length of your sleeve. It should not extend over your hand and should sit at your wrist.

Take the outermost button on the shirt cuff and close the diameter of the cuff so that it sits at your wrist if your shirt sleeve is too long.

French Cuffs

To begin, you’ll need a French cuff shirt with two holes in the sleeve.

Fold the cuff over so the two holes are aligned.

Take your cuff link and open it.

Thread the cufflink through the first set of holes in your sleeve and then through the second set of holes.

Closing the cufflink and precisely folding the edges to make it nice is the final step.

 how to use cufflinks


  • Christopher

    Christopher has 9+ years of experience as a creative fashion designer who stays current with the latest trends.

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